Research connects the dots between depressive symptoms and “gut” bacteria; it holds promise for better treatments

Human Gut Microbiome in Brooklyn NY Area

When Atlantic Gastroenterology supports “gut” health, we are also doing our part to protect the mental and emotional health of our patients in Brooklyn, New York City, and the greater Tri-State Area.  A study published in the online edition of Nature December 6, 2022, represents significant strides in connecting the dots between the human gut microbiome and risk factors for mood disorders, including depression. “Microbiome” refers to bacteria, viruses, and fungi, while “gut” refers to the digestive tract. As a board-certified gastroenterologist, our own Dr. Alexander Shapsis specializes in preventing, diagnosing, managing, and treating conditions associated with the GI tract … Continue reading

New research supports early evaluation and prevention of advanced liver damage among at-risk patients

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Brooklyn NY Area

Atlantic Gastroenterology underscores the importance of early screening to our patients in Brooklyn, greater New York City, and the Tri-State Area. Furthermore, our team, led by board-certified gastroenterologist Dr. Alexander Shapsis, stays on the leading edge of research that supports proactive diagnoses, risk reduction and prevention, and early treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and other conditions.  Notably, a study published in the November 1, 2022, issue of The Journal of Clinical Investigation demonstrates great promise for our ability to identify and prevent advanced fibrosis among first-degree relatives of those individuals with this form of liver damage. Fibrosis arises … Continue reading

Why might I need a FibroScan test?

Fibroscan Test Near Me Brooklyn NY Area

At Atlantic Gastroenterology, we use a number of different diagnostic devices to help our team provide the care patients need to improve their quality of life. Individuals concerned about the liver may be told they can benefit from liver elastography using the FibroScan test device. What is the FibroScan test? The FibroScan is a non-invasive test that uses ultrasound waves to measure the amount of fat in your liver. This test is used to diagnose and monitor liver disease, including fatty liver disease, hepatitis, and cirrhosis. The results of the FibroScan can help your healthcare provider determine the severity of … Continue reading

The importance of colorectal cancer screenings with Brooklyn area provider

Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines in Brooklyn NY Area

At Atlantic Gastroenterology of Brooklyn, New York, Dr. Alexander Shapsis and his team are pleased to provide a wide range of screening services for new and current patients. This includes colorectal cancer screenings. Colon cancer affects both men and women of all ethnicities and is one of the most preventable forms of cancer. Many cancer patients may feel completely healthy, meaning it is more important than ever to be proactive about obtaining regular cancer screenings with a gastroenterologist. Our team is here to talk to you about the importance of regular screenings and the guidelines used to determine if cancer … Continue reading

What You Can Do to Prevent Fatty Liver Disease

Best Ways To Prevent Fatty Liver Disease Near Me In Brooklyn NY

Since 1980, there has been a prevalent increase in the number of individuals in the United States diagnosed with fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease, also known to the public as “non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,” is a condition that affects the liver. It is the result of fat buildup in the liver that can lead to symptoms such as unknown weight loss, abdominal pain and discomfort, and fatigue. Some patients do not show any symptoms at all or experience symptoms later on. While considered a benign condition for most, it can still progress to more severe problems such as liver … Continue reading

Gastroenterologist in Brooklyn Talks About the Connection Between Autonomic Nervous System and IBS

In Brooklyn Area Gastroenterologist Talks About Autonomic Nervous System

The medical community has been able to come to a better understanding of how the autonomic nervous system alterations can be linked to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Dr. Alexander Shapsis, a Brooklyn, gastroenterologist working out of Atlantic Gastroenterology, is one of many who like to talk about and pose questions surrounding the autonomic nervous system so that we can develop a better understanding of how this complex system works together. A Community of Microbiomes The autonomic nervous system, or ANS, is one of two major central response systems we all have, which react and respond to the stresses we all … Continue reading

Pain Relief Recommendations for Gastritis

Pain Relief Recommendations For Gastritis Near Me In Brooklyn NY

Gastritis is a condition that causes irritation and inflammation of the stomach lining. It can cause patients to experience daily discomfort and pain, including upper abdomen pain, bloating, and even nausea. When diagnosed, a professional in the Brooklyn, New York area will often provide patients with specific steps they can take to manage discomfort and find relief. Dr. Alexander Shapsis and his team at Atlantic Gastroenterology work directly with patients to educate them on their condition and find ways to relieve the symptoms and improve their daily quality of life. What Can Be Done for Gastritis Pain Relief? If you … Continue reading

What you need to know about Anorectal Manometry

Anorectal Manometry Testing in Brooklyn NY Area

Fecal incontinence is an issue that can cause individuals extreme embarrassment. It can make it difficult to go out and socialize if not near a bathroom. If you spend time with others, you are constantly making sure a bathroom is nearby and that you have the items on hand you need in the event of a leak. Fortunately, individuals can find treatment and relief with a proper diagnosis of the condition. But to obtain the information necessary and discuss the best treatment options, patients in the Brooklyn, New York area need to work with a gastroenterologist such as Dr. Alexander … Continue reading

What is the SIBO hydrogen breath test?

SIBO Hydrogen Breath Test in Brooklyn NY Area

Patients in the Brooklyn, New York area struggling with chronic digestive problems such as bloating, indigestion, or constipation may want to speak to a gastroenterologist in the community about testing for conditions such as SIBO. SIBO, which stands for “small intestine bacterial overgrowth,” is a gastrointestinal disorder that can result in various issues for the digestive tract. With a proper evaluation and screening, Dr. Alexander Shapsis and his team at Atlantic Gastroenterology can assess a patient and determine if a definitive diagnosis can be made. Once the doctor and patient have the necessary information, they can discuss treatment options that … Continue reading

How Vitamin D can protect you from young-onset colorectal cancer

Vitamin D Prevent Young Onset Colorectal Cancer in Brooklyn Area

At Atlantic Gastroenterology in Brooklyn, New York, we regularly work with patients who have been diagnosed with colorectal cancer or CRC. We also have access to continued research and studies that show the benefits of integrating certain vitamins and minerals to reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer. Dr. Alexander Shapsis and his team offer information for patients worried about prevention options. More recently, it has been found that Vitamin D can help prevent young-onset colorectal cancer. Patients will find this information beneficial when considering prevention techniques. What has been happening to the rates of colorectal cancer?  Over … Continue reading

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New patients: 718 521-2840 Existing patients: 718 615-4001 EndoSlim Clinic: 1-877-SIZEOFF (1-877-749-3633)