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TORe – Transoral Outlet Reduction

TORe – Transoral Outlet Reduction

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Transoral Outlet Reduction (TORe) is an endoscopic procedure to revise a previous Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The Apollo REVISE System is used to endoscopically reduce the size of the gastrojejunal outlet that will promote weight loss and treat “dumping” syndrome. TORe Procedures are here to give you a safe and effective second chance in your weight loss battle using the overstitch suturing technique without having to undergo another surgery.

TORe (Transoral outlet reduction)

Gastric bypass surgery creates a small pouch from the stomach and connects the pouch to the small intestine. This decreases the amount of food you can eat and reduces nutrient absorption. However weight gain can reoccur if the connection between the stomach and the intestines gets bigger over time. If this happens a doctor May recommend a revision procedure to re-tighten the connection or outlet to help you lose weight again. This procedure is called transoral outlet reduction or TORe. While you are asleep the doctor passes the camera through your mouth and into your stomach. After inspecting the area the doctor prepares the tissue around the outlet to be re-tightened. Using the Apollo REVISE™ System the doctor may place a few stitches to tighten the outlet or may sew completely around the outlet to tighten it into a smaller size. If needed the doctor may use one to two stitches to re-tighten the stomach pouch as well. With the outlet sewn into a smaller shape, you’ll eat less and feel full faster. This advanced endoscopic procedure performed with the Apollo REVISE™ System does not require incisions meaning no scarring and less time away. Most patients typically go home the same day as the procedure and can return to work in two to three days. Sutures are applied using the Apollo REVISE™ System the first and only system authorized by the FDA to perform this endoscopic revision after gastric bypass. It is indicated in adult patients with obesity who have a BMI 30 to 50.

Learn more about the Apollo REVISE™ System by visiting

Patients who undergo a TORe procedure must also pursue certain lifestyle modifications, such as changes to diet and exercise, in order to achieve desired results.

All procedures have risks. Talk to your doctor and understand all risks before having a procedure.

BMI Calculator

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women

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