What is the Spatz3 adjustable intragastric balloon, and how does it work for weight loss and maintenance?
When it comes to weight loss medicine, Dr. Alexander Shapsis and his team at the Endoslim Clinic of Atlantic Gastroenterology believe in providing many different solutions for patients to choose from. A newly FDA-approved product called the Spatz3 adjustable intragastric balloon is making waves in the weight loss industry, offering yet another solution for those who need to achieve a healthier weight. Our Brooklyn, New York area office is pleased to offer this new treatment, along with several other weight loss solutions, for patients ready to make a serious lifestyle change for their overall health and wellness!
What is the Spatz3 adjustable gastric balloon, and how does it help with weight loss?
In the field of intragastric balloons, or IGBs, there is a misunderstanding about how they work. They do not just take up space in the stomach to limit food intake. They primarily delay gastric emptying, allowing patients to feel fuller for longer. The Spatz3 gastric balloon is another option for patients to consider and provides many added benefits, including:
- No scarring
- Fast outpatient procedure
- Nonsurgical administration
- Lowered risks and potential for problems
- Can be used more than once if weight gain appears after the initial removal
- Customizable to the patient’s need, allowing Dr. Alexander Shapsis to increase or decrease the volume of the balloon as needed
When consulting with Dr. Alexander Shapsis of the Endoslim Clinic of Atlantic Gastroenterology about your options, he can talk to you about your specific needs and recommend whether or not this particular IGB is appropriate for your weight loss needs.
The Spats three adjustable balloon system offers an easily adjustable longer term balloon therapy that provides a safe, customized balloon weight loss system. Now easier and faster for endoscopists. The insertion kit contains the balloon, the extension tube, the provided cap, the insertion facilitator, the syringe patient card, and chart labels. Using the green tabs, pull the band off to remove all of the bands. Turn the three-way, stop cock as shown, and then connect the extension tube to the valve. Push the valve hold into the white catheter as shown. Confirm that it is in place. The device is ready for implantation prior to implantation. A standard endoscopy is performed to evaluate for contraindications. After completing the endoscopy, dry the endoscope thoroughly with two fingers. Hold the insertion facilitator and place it on the end of the scope while the assistant holds the scope. Grasp both sides of the insertion facilitator and pull until the distal edge is at the scope tip. Do not unroll it yet. Now roll it back until it covers the proximal hole. Find the left side of the scope using the up down dial as shown. Place the distal tip of the balloon just touching the insertion facilitator and roll it over the balloon. The balloon tip should be within millimeters of the proximal hole.
Pull the proximal hole over the scope and then the distal hole over the scope. Pull it all back to the balloon tip. Hold the endoscope and device in one hand and generously lubricate the balloon endoscope and valve areas as well as inside the mouth guard. Insert the endoscope and device as you would in a normal endoscopy. A snug fit at the mouth guard in the upper sphincter are to be expected. Pass to the antrum retroflex to confirm presence of the balloon in the stomach. If the balloon fell off in the esophagus, you will need to push it down below the GE junction. Attach the three-way. Stop cock to the saline bag, and the syringe inflate the balloon. We recommend 450 to 550 ccs. If resistance to inflation is encountered advancing the endoscope five to 10 centimeters will generally undo any kink in the line. Once inflation has concluded, withdraw the endoscope to the distal esophagus. As you pull back, you’ll see the balloon and you will feel pressure as the balloon releases from the insertion facilitator. While the endoscope remains in the esophagus. Pull the extension tube until the valve exits the mouth. Secure the valve. Disconnect the extension tube. The valve is wet and slippery.
Dry the valve and your gloves or change your glove as shown. Tighten the cap in its place. A loose cap will cause a leak. Lower the valve into the back of the throat, it will pull itself back to its position. Push the scope forward and backward gently. To help the valve move through the upper sphincter, gently push the cap and catheter below the GE junction. Make sure the white catheter balloon junction faces proximally If necessary, flip the balloon gently pull the scope out. You will feel the rolled up insertion facilitator move through the upper esophageal sphincter. Pull slowly and gently. The procedure is now complete.
This is the valve hold insert. By pushing straight in the entire valve hold must be completely inserted as in the picture to the right. Do not twist. What happens if you do not insert the valve hold? And there is an inflation tube kink, which can happen. Watch this. The valve hold is not used. The line is kinked and even under low inflation pressure, the inflation tube will burst. But if you use the valve hold, we can prevent this from happening Here. The valve hold is used properly. There is a kink in the line, and even under high inflation pressure, we cannot cause the inflation tube to burst. Remember to always use the valve.
This cap is leaking because it is not quite closed all the way. How can we prevent this? As you can see, the cap is very slippery and the only way to be sure that you have closed it is by drying it with a paper towel. Always use a paper towel and dry the cap and valve, and with two fingers on the cap and two fingers on the valve, twist it closed. This three second step will prevent a cap leak.
Where can I find a gastroenterologist near me offering the Spatz3 gastric balloon for weight loss?
Dr. Alexander Shapsis is a Board-certified gastroenterologist who provides a wide range of new weight-loss medicines and solutions for patients in and around Brooklyn, New York.
If you are ready to discuss the benefits of the Spatz3 intragastric balloon approved by the FDA, we invite you to call 718 521-2840 to request a consultation appointment at our Ocean Parkway and Court Street practices in Brooklyn, NY. You may also call our Endoslim Clinic at 877-749-3633.
We are open to new patients and look forward to talking to you about your weight loss needs!
The balloon volume may be increased or decreased multiple times after the initial implantation endoscopy is performed. Follow the white catheter from the balloon until you reach the valve and cap. Capture the loop with a grasping forceps. The endoscope is removed with the cap pulled to the tip of the endoscope. The cap is twisted off and the valve is connected to the extension tube. Do not lose the cap. The extension tube is lowered into the throat until there is no further pulling on the tube reinsert. The endoscope do not start inflation until the valve is seen touching the white catheter and the white catheter is straight. Now, you may inflate or deflate as desired. The extension tube is pulled out until the valve exits the mouth secure the valve disconnect the extension tube. The valve is wet and slippery. Dry the valve in your gloves or change your gloves. Take your time and tighten the cap in its place. A loose cap will cause a leak. Lower the valve into the back of the throat, reinsert the endoscope and gently push the white cap and white catheter below the GE junction. The procedure is now complete.
We recommend deflating the balloon using the valve. However, the balloon may be deflated with a gastric balloon, needle catheter, followed by extraction with a large snare or balloon specific grasping forceps. As with other balloons, we recommend the following method. Endoscopy is performed. Follow the white catheter from the balloon until you reach the valve and cap. Capture the loop with a grasping forceps, the endoscope is removed. With the cap pulled to the tip of the endoscope, the valve is grabbed by the assistant while the cap is removed. Remove the grasper from the scope. Then a large snare is inserted into the scope and is tightened around the valve. Next, the extension tube is connected to the valve. The scope with its snare on the valve together with the extension tube are lowered into the throat. The stretched inflation tube will pull it down. Let it slide down. Passively do not push. Once the valve reaches the white catheter, connect the extension tube. Pour to the suction and start deflating the balloon. When completed, drain the balloon manually by syringe. Advance the scope below the gastro esophageal junction. To confirm complete deflation of the balloon, open the snare fully.
Pull back the extension tube until the valve exits the mouth. This will bring the deflated balloon proximately into the open snare. Tighten the snare on the catheter balloon junction and then pull it back to the scope tip. Hold the scope and stretched inflation tube together in one hand while the snare is maintained at the channel opening with the left hand and pull out. Together. Keep the inflation tube stretched while withdrawing. Do not let it go until the balloon exits. The mouth reinsert the scope to inspect for any tissue trauma. The procedure is now complete.