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Malnutrition and Obesity


Malnutrition is a term used to describe the body’s inability to obtain enough nutrients to ensure proper organ function. It can range from mild to severe and is often caused by starvation. When not enough calories are consumed, the body cannot obtain enough nutrients. It can also occur when not enough of a specific type of nutrient is consumed. Medical conditions and a poor diet can cause this condition.


Obesity is a term used to describe those people who have a body mass index of over 20 percent. Factors such as height, weight, sex, and build must be considered to determine this mass index. The National Institutes of Health say that Body Mass Index of 30 or above is a sign of obesity. Generally, this indicates that the amount of body fat is too high. However, some people may have a high body mass index due to having a very high muscular makeup.

Obesity can occur for many reasons and can be brought on by both behavioral actions and genetic makeup. Treatment often involves changes to the diet as well as counseling and exercise. Medication support may help as well.

Obesity contributes to the development of various health problems including:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Heart failure
  • Gallstones and gall bladder disease
  • Cancers including prostate, colon and rectum cancers
  • Osteoarthritis including of the knees, hips, and lower back
  • Sleep apnea
  • Pickwickian syndrome (drowsiness, under ventilation, red face)

If you suffer from malnutrition or obesity, our physicians at Cobble Hill or Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn, NY can help you to overcome this condition and improve your health.

Nausea and Vomiting

These are symptoms of an underlying illness.

Nausea is the feeling of wanting to vomit while vomiting is the action of throwing up the contents of the stomach. This is a violent act that can do damage to your digestive symptom. There are various causes for it including:

  • Acute gastritis
  • Central causes such as signals from the brain
  • Mechanical obstruction of the bowel
  • Medications
  • Stomach-related illness

When symptoms last for more than 24 hours, there is a risk of dehydration and medical attention should be sought. This is very important in infants and children as they are more likely to suffer from this type of health risk. If vomiting occurs along with blood, tarry bowel movements, or fever, you should contact your Brooklyn physician right away for help.

Rectal Bleeding

Also known as hematochezia, rectal bleeding occurs when there is bright red blood present. This may include blood in stool or passed clots. The bleeding may stem from the rectal area or from a digestive problem.

When there is severe bleeding, this can create a health problem that’s more significant. Most of the time, these bleeds are mild and correct themselves. If they do not, it may be necessary to speak to our Brooklyn gastroenterologist to learn more about the underlying cause. Rectal bleeding can be brought on from a variety of conditions and may need more investigative support.

If it is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, or fainting, this indicates low blood pressure and emergency treatment is necessary. Individuals may need a blood transfusion in this case.


Ulcers, specifically peptic ulcers are a type of open sore that occurs in the interior of the stomach. These can also develop in the upper portion of the small intestine or the esophagus. Most commonly, they cause pain in the upper abdomen. They can be caused by a range of factors including bacterial infections, medications, stress, and diet. Esophageal ulcers tend to be brought on as a result of acid reflux, which occurs when stomach acids enter back into the esophagus. These ulcers are common, but getting help from a Brooklyn ulcer doctor is important for preventing worsening symptoms.

One of the causes of ulcers is the growth of H. pylori, a type of bacteria that thrives in the stomach and intestine. It is believed that about half of all people around the world have H. pylori present with industrial nations having between 20 and 30 percent infection rates. However, many people have no sign of the bacteria or symptoms of it. However, it can cause ulcers and inflammation. As a result, individuals should seek out a Brooklyn gastroenterologist in Cobble Hill or Ocean Parkway for help with any ulcer.

Call Atlantic Gastroenterology

New patients: 718 521-2840 Existing patients: 718 615-4001 EndoSlim Clinic: 1-877-SIZEOFF (1-877-749-3633)