Research connects the dots between depressive symptoms and “gut” bacteria; it holds promise for better treatments

Human Gut Microbiome in Brooklyn NY Area

When Atlantic Gastroenterology supports “gut” health, we are also doing our part to protect the mental and emotional health of our patients in Brooklyn, New York City, and the greater Tri-State Area.  A study published in the online edition of Nature December 6, 2022, represents significant strides in connecting the dots between the human gut microbiome and risk factors for mood disorders, including depression. “Microbiome” refers to bacteria, viruses, and fungi, while “gut” refers to the digestive tract. As a board-certified gastroenterologist, our own Dr. Alexander Shapsis specializes in preventing, diagnosing, managing, and treating conditions associated with the GI tract … Continue reading

New research supports early evaluation and prevention of advanced liver damage among at-risk patients

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Brooklyn NY Area

Atlantic Gastroenterology underscores the importance of early screening to our patients in Brooklyn, greater New York City, and the Tri-State Area. Furthermore, our team, led by board-certified gastroenterologist Dr. Alexander Shapsis, stays on the leading edge of research that supports proactive diagnoses, risk reduction and prevention, and early treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and other conditions.  Notably, a study published in the November 1, 2022, issue of The Journal of Clinical Investigation demonstrates great promise for our ability to identify and prevent advanced fibrosis among first-degree relatives of those individuals with this form of liver damage. Fibrosis arises … Continue reading

GI symptoms more common in COVID-19 patients than thought

GI symptoms more common in COVID-19 patients than thought

Doctors around the world have been testing patients suspected of contracting the coronavirus mostly for respiratory symptoms. But a recent study of 206 COVID-19 positive patients, conducted in China’s Hubei Province, has revealed that 99 of them (46 percent) also had digestive tract symptoms. The gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms included anorexia (83.8 percent), diarrhea consisting of “loose” or “poorly formed stools” up to three times a day (29.3 percent), vomiting (8.1 percent), and abdominal pain (four percent). The duration from the onset of the disease to hospital admission for patients with GI symptoms was found to be longer than with other … Continue reading

FibroScan offers quick, painless diagnosis of liver disease

FibroScan test near me in Brooklyn, NY area

Liver disease is common in the United States. Over time, liver problems can lead to fibrosis of the liver and cirrhosis, a condition that is considered one of the top ten causes of death in the world. FibroScan® is a quick, non-invasive diagnostic test that can measure fibrosis (liver scarring). Also known as transient elastography, FibroScan is a painless nonsurgical alternative to liver biopsy. If you are wondering, “Is there a FibroScan near me?,” look no further. At Atlantic Gastroenterology, we have the ability to perform a FibroScan test right in our office. Reasons for a FibroScan test We may … Continue reading

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