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Understanding the power of portion control for effective weight loss

If you struggle with weight management, treatment options readily exist for those who want to improve their diet to address their size and reduce common conditions associated with being overweight. Dr. Alexander Shapsis is a doctor at Atlantic Gastroenterology who can help you find effective weight management treatments to improve your overall quality of life–and ensure a healthy body! He continues to stress simple strategies to reduce weight to his patients, including a portion control diet plan.

Weight Management in Brooklyn area

Understanding the importance of portion control

When we hear the words “portion control,” we often think of serving sizes and restrictive eating. However, there is more to portion control than you may believe. In today’s society of excess, “portion distortion” has contributed to our expanding waistlines. When eating out at a restaurant, your entrée may be more than one serving, and instead, two or three large portions that should not be consumed in the same sitting. Dr. Shapsis has a few recommendations when it comes to portion control, which include:

  • Eliminating emotional eating, focusing on more mindful eating–concentrating on each bite and paying close attention to satiety cues from the body.
  • Preparing snacks in proper proportions to avoid excessive snacking. For example, section out potato chips in zip bags per serving size instead of eating straight from the pack.
  • Considering the use of applications on tablets and phones to track and monitor food consumption while watching calories, macronutrients, sodium, and sugars.
  • Create meals with the proper balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in mind.
  • Form a positive relationship with food with a proper understanding of your dietary needs and your goals for your weight loss journey.

Are you considering weight management treatment in the Brooklyn, New York area?

Dr. Alexander Shapsis and his team at Atlantic Gastroenterology can assist overweight patients with lifestyle and diet changes, including portion control strategies. If you live in Brooklyn, NY, and want to connect with our team, call 718 521-2840 to request a visit with our team at one of our two office locations, including our Court Street practice and Ocean Parkway practice.

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