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What lifestyle modifications are recommended for patients who have obesity?

Men and women in the Brooklyn, New York area who are struggling with weight gain and obesity may be curious as to how they can make daily lifestyle modifications to help them reduce their weight. They may also want to explore healthy weight loss solutions and measures for preventing obesity. Dr. Alexander Shapsis is a board-certified gastroenterologist and obesity medicine specialist at EndoSlim Clinic NY of Atlantic Gastroenterology, PC who can educate you on some of the small changes you can make to get started on your weight loss journey. Here are a few recommendations his team may suggest to ease you into achieving your goals:

Lifestyle Modifications for Obesity in Brooklyn NY Area
  • Be mindful of portion sizes.
  • Make time for meals, and do not skip meals.
  • Keep your body properly fueled with the right foods.
  • Ease yourself into activities and exercise that can assist in burning calories.
  • Find a balance that allows you to enjoy your favorite foods while incorporating healthier ones.
  • Ensure you get enough sleep, preferably around seven and a half hours each night.
  • “Build a support system to help you achieve your goals, or have someone join you in your journey towards achieving them.
  • Keep a food journal or diary to track meals and ensure accountability.
  • Learn healthier techniques for cooking, such as baking instead of frying your favorite foods.
  • Educate yourself about nutrients and dieting to know the changes you plan to make.
  • Celebrate small victories along the way, treating yourself when you can as an incentive to continue.
  • Ensure you are consistent.
  • If you get off track, don’t beat yourself up about it.
  • Understand that this is your unique health journey, no one else’s.

Start changing your life by taking small steps towards better health!

If you struggle with obesity and are looking for little ways to make a difference, lifestyle modifications such as those above are often recommended to our patients here at EndoSlim Clinic NY of Atlantic Gastroenterology. If you want to speak to our board-certified gastroenterologist and obesity medicine specialist about ways to achieve healthy weight loss and proper weight management and learn the best diet tips from our team, we encourage you to make an appointment with Dr. Alexander Shapsis and his team. The office can be reached by calling at 718 521-2840 for either the Court Street or Ocean Parkway locations in Brooklyn, NY.

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